We are a company located in the South of Tenerife Canary Islands. We take care of the translation of legal, financial, accounting, academic, medical, corporate and any other documents you need.
Made by certified professionals by the authorities for full legal validity. Translations are made to and from any language. Additionally we offer services of apostille frequently requested to validate document information and interpretation in person and online. At ElbaTrad we do it for you!
Sworn Translators
We Understand What’s Important to You
We understand the importance of your assignment, we know it is part of another set of things you need to achieve what you are looking for, that’s why we work tirelessly to offer efficient solutions tailored to your particular needs, always framed to provide the best customer experience.
We are part of a solid group of companies located in Adeje in the south of Tenerife, which operates in various fields of real estate, financial and others. We have the experience, infrastructure and a highly qualified team that support the high quality and excellent results in all the services we offer.